Pathways Home Toolkit
Permanent Supportive Housing Toolkit
The Supportive Housing Toolkit is a series of technical assistance and peer learning sessions designed to help non-profits, housing authorities, and service providers increase the number of permanent supportive housing units available in their community.
The goal of the Toolkit is to develop a feasible plan that is appropriate to the unique dynamics of your community for a new supportive housing development. This includes establishing partnerships and obtaining knowledge needed to secure various local, regional and statewide support. Your community will also benefit from an opportunity to learn about best practices around housing and homeless service provision, work with other communities towards a shared goal of addressing homelessness, and educate local, state and national funders about the unique needs of your community.
How does it work?
consultants and board members who will be key decision makers for a project. This group is responsible for advancing a supportive housing development in their community upon conclusion of the Toolkit.
What will happen at the sessions?
What happens in between sessions?
Depending on resources, Technical Assistance Coaches may be available to meet remotely with teams as needed and/or desired.
Toolkit Session Summaries
General overview of what makes supportive housing unique, with opportunities for teams to increase their understanding of where supportive housing fits along a resource continuum, while also beginning to draft project concepts appropriate for their area.
Session 2: Capital Development and Financing – Building your Building
Design and budget considerations for project development, including basic information on Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC), Federal Home Loan Bank/Affordable Housing Program (AHP) and various local and state sources, with a panel of Funders, Syndicators and Investors, as available.
Session 3: Operations & Property Management in Supportive Housing
Information on what makes supportive housing property management different from operating traditional affordable housing, and discussion around subsidy opportunities to help ensure projects are able to serve low-income populations being prioritized.
Session 4: Supportive Services in Supportive Housing
Overview of supportive housing service delivery including Housing First and Harm Reduction principles, while teams begin to develop service plans and budgets, based on unique challenges anticipated for tenant population and resources available in their community.
Session 5: Fair Housing, Siting/Community Engagement & Presentations to Funders
Learn about important Fair Housing considerations and strategies for increasing community support, then celebrate your work and show-off what you learned by presenting project concepts to peers, funders, and officials with opportunities for constructive feedback.
See where PSH Toolkit projects are located around Colorado
November, 2019 | New Mexico
Toolkit Session Materials
June, 2020 | Colorado
Toolkit Session Materials
March, 2022 | Virtual Colorado
Outreach Session Materials
November, 2023 | Colorado
Toolkit Session Materials